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Athletic Participation Fee

The $200 one-time athletic fee will cover the student athlete – no matter how many sports they play – for the school year. This fee is due by the first day of practice of the first sport they are participating in. It is billed via incidental billing. Senior banners or other specialty photos are not included in the athletic fee.

GPA Requirements

Incoming freshmen are automatically eligible to participate in athletics. After the first semester, they must maintain a minimum 2.0 unweighted grade point average to be considered academically eligible for any athletic team.


All student athletes must complete these forms prior to starting practice. If your son or daughter wishes to participate on an athletic team for John Carroll, the Athletic Packet must be completed in full before he or she can start practice, including any summer workouts.

  • EL2 – FHSAA Preparticipation Physical Evaluation: You must have a current physical every year, and the FHSAA form provided must be filled out completely (all three pages) by the parents, student-athlete, and physician.
  • EL3 – FHSAA Consent and Release from Liability Certificate: This form has to be completed by the parent, including the insurance information at the bottom. IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to only write in the sports you are not giving your consent for them to play.
  • JCHS Athletics Travel Form: This must be completed by the parent and signed in front of a Notary. (There are no Notaries on campus.)
  • Mandatory Concussion, Heat and Cardiac Videos: All athletes must watch these videos, print the certificates, and return them with the athletic packet to Coach Groody.

All JCHS athletes must have a completed athletic packet on file before they can participate in any sports, including practices and conditioning. Athletic fees will be invoiced via incidental billing. Please contact the Finance Department at 772-464-5200 with any questions about athletic fees. 

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